Posts tagged mental health
The Mental Weight of Motherhood - And 10 Ways You Can Help

Being a mom is fucking hard. No matter how amazing a person is, this is an inescapable truth. And when you can tell it’s hard from a distance, you know it’s exponentially harder firsthand. Stereotypes aside and progress included, there is still an undeniable societal expectation that mothers bear the brunt of the mental load when it comes to caring for the family. From planning meals to organizing schedules to managing budgets, to maintaining a career, the to-do list for moms appears never-ending. Add to that the mental labor of keeping the family together, managing everyone’s emotions, and often being expected to be the primary caregiver for children, and it’s no wonder that so many mothers feel overwhelmed and exhausted.

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Holiday Gift Guide 2022

As fall turns to winter and we mourn the loss of the warm sun, we instead get a little excited about snuggling up, drinking hot bevys, and getting stoked for celebrations with friends and family. Gatherings for me can look all kinds of ways. Big, small, intimate, wild, and they usually include delicious food. And, if you’re like me, the slight pressure of what to buy for whom can start knocking at the door once Thanksgiving is behind me. Full disclosure: I am not the worlds best consumer. Eek!

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5 Things That Are Destroying Your Mental Health

Did you know that May is Mental Health Awareness Month? I personally think it should be a year-long campaign, given the epidemic levels of stress, burnout, depression, and anxiety in our current world. Global Pandemic aside, people have been under increasing stress for years. 73% of adults in the United States report stress levels that have a negative impact on their mental health. Whether you struggle with anxiety and depression or find yourself occasionally feeling stressed out, there could be some sneaky things that are negatively impacting your mental health.

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This Mother's Day, Let's Talk About Burnout and Balance.

The world learned many lessons over the pandemic. Many people learned new skills or hobbies. Even more faced difficult emotions like depression, heartbreak, uncertainty, and grief. And if there are any lessons to be held on to as the world slowly picks up from where we left off, let it be this: prioritizing one’s health and wellbeing is more important than anything. But when work gets in the way of your balance, how do you manage? And what about when you have children who also depend on you?

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Body Image through Touch: The Unsung Hero of Massage Therapy

Are you content with the person looking back at you from the mirror each morning or do you frown in frustration? Unfortunately, many of us are unhappy with the person looking back. Whether it’s lamenting about having a few extra pounds or exhibiting more serious, self-hating body dysmorphic disorders, body image is under siege in our celebrity-fixated society. While the media continues to airbrush photos of svelte supermodels for magazine covers, others are trying to teach young girls to love their bodies, beautiful imperfections and all. One way to combat the Hollywood hype and to create an appreciation for the bodies we have is through hands-on massage and bodywork.

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A Very Different Holiday Gift Guide for A Very Different Year.

In the past I leaned toward making gifts for my immediate family, but that was when I had more free time, a smaller family (we’ve added nieces and nephews and in-laws to the mix), and less Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. If you’re anything like me, you’ve spent decades stressing every year before really taking the time to re-evaluate how you view gift-giving. Here are some things I’ve learned as well as some ways to approach gift giving differently this year, so you can finally enjoy the holidays.

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Navigating the Holiday Blues

The holiday season has been marketed to us for generations as the warm, fuzzy, magical time of the year when miracles and Christmas wishes all come true. And for some people, that might be the case. However, the holiday season can also be one of the most emotionally triggering times of the year-- in both good and bad ways. A study conducted by the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) reports that 64% of those with mental illness report worsening symptoms during the holiday season. Added stress around the holidays can exacerbate anxiety and depression. Add a heaping spoonful of Global Pandemic, intense economic challenges,

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Need a Shift in Perspective? Cultivate Gratitude.

Around this time of year, we turn our gaze to the past and reflect on all that we have, all that we’ve done, and all the people we love. At the Pearl Day Spa, we are taking a moment to appreciate all of our staff and incredible clients, past and present. Without you, we would never be able to provide space for tranquility, change lives through touch, and spread the message of selfcare and wellness. To celebrate, we are revisiting a blog post from deep within the archives, written by our dear owner, Sean. Enjoy.

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Hate mornings? Here's how to fix them.

Mornings don’t have to be a struggle. The key to a successful productive morning is consistency and planning. Utilize your precious morning time to reflect, practice gratitude, and shift your mindset to a positive outlook on the day ahead. Remember, lasting change happens in small, incremental steps. If you adopt one of the above tips, you’ve already made an improvement. And little by little, even the latest night owl can begin to enjoy mornings. And if you’re still tired, there’s always coffee.

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How to Stop Burnout Once and For All

Burnout can have pretty lasting impacts on our health and wellbeing, both physically and mentally. As more research is done into the effects of our frenetic work society, it seems that self-care can no longer be considered a luxury. Taking time to rest and recharge is a necessity for you to lead a happy, productive life.

But if you’re just starting out with this transformative self-care journey, where do you even begin?

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Dropped your New Year's Resolutions? Don't worry, here's what to do now

You can diligently plan your resolutions and goals in nitty-gritty detail, but eventually we all slip up. When talking about setting goals, there is often little focus on what I call the “emergency plan.” It’s all about how to achieve your goal-- but what happens when you stray so far off course that you’ve lost sight of your goal? What happens when you eat a whole pizza?

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Setting Goals for Real Change

Once you’ve established why you want to set this goal, how you create and go about achieving it is just as important. Remember, if you don’t build the right foundation for your goal, it will stand on shaky ground. One reason why many New Year’s Resolutions fail is that they are too vague. How do you know when you have reached your goal when your resolution is to “be in the best shape of your life?

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