Posts tagged community
Prioritizing You—Self-care Through Spa Membership

You're not alone. Life can get hectic, and it's easy to put ourselves last on the list of priorities. If you’re like me you think, “Oh yeah, I’ll schedule that massage when I get home. “ Nope! No I will not. I will get caught up making dinner, helping the kiddo with homework, answering texts from three days ago, and trying to remember to sit down. I often say, “I need an adult!” Cause let’s be real—we could all use the help of another adult from time to time. And even this adult struggles to prioritize self-care, despite being surrounded by a team of people at The Pearl believe that self-care is essential for overall well-being and happiness.

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Resilience in the Face of a Hectic World

You may have heard discussions about resilience as of late. Resilience, or more specifically psychological resilience, is defined as “the ability to mentally or emotionally cope with a crisis or to return to pre-crisis status quickly.” In other words, resilience is your ability to experience the knocks of life without being down for too long. While there are a lot of contributing factors that determine resilience, like mental health and genetics, there are skills that can be learned and improved upon to help yourself through tough times. This might be why, since March, some of us have been feeling like an emotional wreck, while others are outwardly happier than ever. Let’s take a look at the basic tools you can use to build resilience through these uncertain times.

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3 Tips For Supporting Friends In Difficult Times

How do we best "show up" for someone who is suffering? Do we call? Give space? Avoid the subject? Bring food? All good questions. I have walked hand in hand with many clients and friends as they face serious health concerns, big uncertainty, death of a loved one, and various other heavy hitting issues. For me, it was an honor and a pleasure to "step up to the plate" and offer love and support.

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