Posts tagged health
Easy Habits to Improve Your Immune System

As those hot summer days transition into beautiful fall days, we all know that there is the potential to come in contact with seasonal colds and the flu. Add a global pandemic on top and it because apparent that health and wellness are of utmost importance this time of year. As I lean into my own season of wisdom and deeper self care, I have found there are ways to better support my body and immune system with the shift in weather and potential contact with unwell coworkers, kids, and community.

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Muscle Knots: A Q&A About Those Stubborn Knots (And How to Make Them Go Away)

Muscle knots can be present in both superficial muscles, like the trapezius, and deeper ones like the rhomboids, which reside under the trapezius. Typically muscles knot and seize due to repetitive motion, posture, or stress. Do you notice upper back pain in the trapezius and rhomboids? It could be due to repetitive actions like working at a computer all day, looking down at your phone, or diving deep into a novel you can’t put down. However, there can also be emotional causes; depression, grief and heartbreak will typically round the shoulders forward to protect the heart.

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Four Simple Ways to Make Self Care more Environmentally Conscious

The environment. It’s kind of a big deal. So is wellness. But a lot of the time, self care and wellness routines aren’t the most environmentally friendly. The spa and cosmetic industries have yet to make significant changes to their practices, and problems like greenwashing make it difficult to determine what is truly impactful as a consumer. Here are some tips and pointers if you are looking to make your wellness and self care routines, both at the spa and at home, a little more eco-friendly.

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6 Ways Gardening Is Your Mental Health Ally

Let’s just start from a place of honesty… whether you think you’re faring well in the Rona times or not, we are all off center in some way or another right now. Many of the things we considered normal and perhaps took for granted have either been eliminated, replaced, or at least modified in this new world. Finding things that give us a sense of being grounded, centered, or simply feeling “normal” can go a long way toward health, whether that be mental, spiritual, emotional, or physical.

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Clearing the Clutter-The Psychology of Place Inside & Out

What’s cluttering your life? Is it the stuff in the corner of the bedroom, or the stuff in the corner of your mind? What are you tolerating that keeps you from expressing your true self? Authors Bruce and Lou Stewart say that clutter–both in our environment and our mind–is stagnating, blocking the free-flow of energy, or chi, in our homes and lives. Whether we’re detouring around a box in the living room or repeating a negative pattern in our head, it’s time to clear the path.

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The Value of (Dis)Connection

When was the last time you ate a meal alone without looking at your phone or computer? If you are like the vast majority of people, myself included, electronic devices have crept their way into every aspect of your life. The average American spends close to ten hours a day in front of a screen—TV, phone, or computer. That adds up, and can be detrimental to your physical and mental health. Beyond being a distraction, this tech-heavy lifestyle can affect your health and wellbeing in numerous ways—but it doesn’t have to. Here are some ways to turn off and tune back into real life.

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The Problem with Parasites & Why You Should Know About Them

Parasites aren't just a problem for people living in developing nations. A growing body of evidence suggests well over 60 million Americans now have at least one kind of parasite inside their guts...and most people don't even know they're infected! Parasitic infections can cause a whole host of problems including chronic fatigue, digestive issues, and mineral depletion. It's important for everyone to know the risk factors, warning signs, and treatments in the event of a parasitic infection.

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5 Natural Ways to Mitigate Common Health Problems

Before the times of pharmaceuticals and conventional medicine, many people would use natural remedies such as herbs, plants, and nutrition to mitigate common health problems. There are various amounts of different natural treatments like mindfulness, meditation, yoga, acupressure and essential oils. They can help to relieve health issues like chronic pain, migraines and headaches, sinus problems, nausea and even osteoporosis or arthritis pain.

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How to Treat an Obscure Headache

Headaches are a common phenomenon. They are caused by a number of factors including stress, dehydration, noise, lack of sleep, fatigue and sickness. When suffering from pain in the head, it is generally recommended that you try remedies such as rehydrating and lying down in the dark to see whether the pain will resolve itself before looking for medication. If you have to be physically active all day, however, you cannot afford to spend your days sleeping, which is why you need useful tips to help you obscure the pain. Here are some tricks that work.

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