Posts tagged sleep health
Easy Habits to Improve Your Immune System

As those hot summer days transition into beautiful fall days, we all know that there is the potential to come in contact with seasonal colds and the flu. Add a global pandemic on top and it because apparent that health and wellness are of utmost importance this time of year. As I lean into my own season of wisdom and deeper self care, I have found there are ways to better support my body and immune system with the shift in weather and potential contact with unwell coworkers, kids, and community.

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Relaxation Delivered, A New Model for Care

Self-Care Check-In: Not Feeling So Hot?

How does your self-care look these days?

Do you have all the time you need to fit in exercise, eating well, and taking care of your mental health? Does your work day stay within its tidy bounds? Or does your to-do list affect your interactions with your family, your children, your partner? Does everything just go totally smooth and as expected every day? If you’re a busy professional (or just a living human), I’m guessing you’re balancing a lot and can probably answer NO to most or at least some of those questions

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Excuse Me While I Love Myself!

Do you find yourself caring for those around you and feeling a little empty yourself?

Maybe you’re noticing some resentment has popped up where others are concerned?

“But I always help out extra at work/home! Why don’t I get as much from from others as I give to them?!” Perhaps on this occasion the answer lies not on the outside, but within. At first glance, I know some you might already be feeling irritated by this suggestion. You’re thinking: Surely if people would just do what I wanted/expected, I would feel more satisfied and loved. I would argue that you might still be sitting there, arms crossed, feeling disappointed, even if that were the case.

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Tossing and Turning? Try these Sleep-Improving Tips!

One of the biggest factors of our lives affecting sleep is stress. The constant go-go-go of the standard Modern American lifestyle impacts our sympathetic nervous system causing it to be constantly upregulated. This upregulation is helpful in the hustle and bustle, keeping us moving and alert, but when it comes time to sleep, our body needs time to downregulate. Allowing our parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for functions like digestion and healing, to kick in while we rest is critical for a happy and healthy body. But in a stressful “constantly on” world, it is increasingly difficult to downregulate, which can cause-- you guessed it-- insomnia and other sleep troubles. If you find your mind racing, or feel anxious around bed time, try some of these downregulating activities:

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