Posts tagged skincare
Relaxation Delivered, A New Model for Care

Self-Care Check-In: Not Feeling So Hot?

How does your self-care look these days?

Do you have all the time you need to fit in exercise, eating well, and taking care of your mental health? Does your work day stay within its tidy bounds? Or does your to-do list affect your interactions with your family, your children, your partner? Does everything just go totally smooth and as expected every day? If you’re a busy professional (or just a living human), I’m guessing you’re balancing a lot and can probably answer NO to most or at least some of those questions

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Excuse Me While I Love Myself!

Do you find yourself caring for those around you and feeling a little empty yourself?

Maybe you’re noticing some resentment has popped up where others are concerned?

“But I always help out extra at work/home! Why don’t I get as much from from others as I give to them?!” Perhaps on this occasion the answer lies not on the outside, but within. At first glance, I know some you might already be feeling irritated by this suggestion. You’re thinking: Surely if people would just do what I wanted/expected, I would feel more satisfied and loved. I would argue that you might still be sitting there, arms crossed, feeling disappointed, even if that were the case.

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3 Common Early Spring Skin Conditions and How to Fix them

As spring arrives and then temperature increases, sweat and increased oil production increases. Oil and sweat on their own are not inherently an issue. The skin creates oils in order to protect the moisture barrier, which prevents foreign bodies from entering the skin as easily. But oil production is increased, it can trap dirt and dead skill cells in the pores, leading to blemishes, pimples, and blackheads. So how do you set your skin up for success over this transition period?

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Do I Need An Eye Cream? and more questions on turning 30

But aging is part of life, and there are some inescapable things that aging entails: not being able to pull all-nighters like back in college, worse hangovers, et cetera. I am also noticing more changes in my skin that I am not exactly thrilled by. So let’s explore some of the ways our skin changes from 20 to 30, and what to do to mitigate some of them.

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Consider Women-Owned Businesses this Mother's Day

As Mother’s Day approaches, I find myself thinking of all the women I see hustling to provide for their families, those girlbosses who are focusing on their big dreams, and those managing to do both. At the Pearl, we support other women-owned businesses through our retail selections, partnering with both local and international companies to provide the best in spa and skincare products. If you’re looking for a unique gift this year for Mother’s Day, check out some of these offerings we carry from women-owned businesses:

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3 Rainy Day Self-Care Activities for Oregon Winter

Some of my favorite ways to fill a rainy day is to feed all parts of myself— Mind, Body, and Spirit. This approach to self-care focuses on each part to achieve a well-balanced life. You don’t need to set a whole hour aside for each portion— 5 to 10 minutes each is enough. Here is my recommended agenda for a holistic self-care day.

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WTF is Acne (and how do I make it stop)

Acne, pimples, blemishes, zits-- whatever you call them, they SUCK. Not only can they be painful sometimes, but they can also have a big impact on your self confidence. Trust me-- I’ve had 15 years of personal struggle with it. I am sitting on my couch writing this, acutely aware of the volcano-sized pimple hiding out just under my jawline. It got me thinking-- what even is acne? And, probably more importantly, why? Maybe, by talking about it, I can somehow shed light on how to get rid of it once and for all.

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Four Simple Ways to Make Self Care more Environmentally Conscious

The environment. It’s kind of a big deal. So is wellness. But a lot of the time, self care and wellness routines aren’t the most environmentally friendly. The spa and cosmetic industries have yet to make significant changes to their practices, and problems like greenwashing make it difficult to determine what is truly impactful as a consumer. Here are some tips and pointers if you are looking to make your wellness and self care routines, both at the spa and at home, a little more eco-friendly.

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5 Reasons Fall is the Best Time for Chemical Peels

Maybe years of back-to-school conditioning have affected me, but autumn feels like a time for new beginnings. Like a switch flipped, autumn has suddenly arrived, painting the hills and valleys of Eugene gold and orange. It’s time to unpack the sweaters, brew endless pots of tea or coffee, and settle into the still of the darker months. Like me, you might be ready for fall and winter-- but is your skin ready? 

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The Secrets to Perfectly Waxed Skin

First, leading up to your waxing appointment, you should stop exfoliating for at least a couple days. Exfoliation can leave the skin more susceptible to irritation, and potential lifting (that’s when layers of skin pull away and tear.) You should also stop using certain products before a waxing appointment. Retinol should be stopped for 2-5 days before, since it can thin the skin. If you’re on antibiotics, you should also postpone your wax appointment to prevent skin lifting.

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Homespun Face Masks

I am also a mama on a budget. I do buy high-quality products, but I also love apple cider vinegar, witch hazel, and everyday items in my kitchen to brighten and nurture my skin. Here are some simple and delicious DIY Face Masks you can make in your own kitchen. Please to take into consideration that you know your skin best, and if you have sensitive skin please use caution and listen to your body.

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