Posts tagged facials
The Secret to Soft, Glowing Skin

Spring is upon us, which means the sun’s out and our skin may actually see the light of day. After a long winter, your skin can sometimes feel dry, flaky, and appear dull. It’s time to shed the past season and step out feeling fresh and radiant. The best way to do that? Exfoliation! I love treating my skin to various exfoliating approaches year round. Exfoliation supports a healthy glow, skin cell renewal, removal of dead skin, clear pores, and makes all the nourishing gems from your favorite skin care products more effective. Let’s look at the different types of exfoliation, the benefits, and how you can get smooth radiant skin for yourself.

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WTF is Acne (and how do I make it stop)

Acne, pimples, blemishes, zits-- whatever you call them, they SUCK. Not only can they be painful sometimes, but they can also have a big impact on your self confidence. Trust me-- I’ve had 15 years of personal struggle with it. I am sitting on my couch writing this, acutely aware of the volcano-sized pimple hiding out just under my jawline. It got me thinking-- what even is acne? And, probably more importantly, why? Maybe, by talking about it, I can somehow shed light on how to get rid of it once and for all.

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5 Reasons Fall is the Best Time for Chemical Peels

Maybe years of back-to-school conditioning have affected me, but autumn feels like a time for new beginnings. Like a switch flipped, autumn has suddenly arrived, painting the hills and valleys of Eugene gold and orange. It’s time to unpack the sweaters, brew endless pots of tea or coffee, and settle into the still of the darker months. Like me, you might be ready for fall and winter-- but is your skin ready? 

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Homespun Face Masks

I am also a mama on a budget. I do buy high-quality products, but I also love apple cider vinegar, witch hazel, and everyday items in my kitchen to brighten and nurture my skin. Here are some simple and delicious DIY Face Masks you can make in your own kitchen. Please to take into consideration that you know your skin best, and if you have sensitive skin please use caution and listen to your body.

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Seasons Change-- Shouldn't Your Skincare?

If you’re like me, you are sick and tired of all this RAIN! Where is the sun? Surely the real spring season has to start sometime soon…. Right? Despite how it may seem, the weather is warming up, the days are getting longer and longer, and the cold winter season is behind us. You might even notice some differences in your skin. So, as the seasons change, why shouldn’t your skincare routine?

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Skin Goals: 3 Simple Steps to Prepare for a Perfect Facial

I've been an Esthetician for over a decade and have often been asked by clients how they can achieve the best results from their facial. I want to share with you how you can have a great facial at The Pearl Day Spa and maintain that lovely, just had a facial afterglow! Regular, professional care for your skin is part of a health skincare routine; sure, the results may not always be instant, but they are graceful, long-lasting and make your skin health the primary focus. Here are a few hot tips for receiving a perfect facial from a seasoned (and gently weathered) skincare professional.

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