The Pearl Day Spa

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Immune Boosting, Anti-Inflammatory Drink

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On its own or as a base for recipes such as this, bone broth has many health benefits

The season of nasty colds, sore throats, and earaches is almost over-- but not quite. If you haven’t gotten sick yet, congratulations, keep it up! if you have, this too shall pass. No matter which camp you are in, prevention or treatment, boosting the immune system is vital. A wholesome, nutrient dense beverage  you can take on the go is this anti-inflammatory, immune boosting drink. It can serve as your breakfast, snack, or part of your lunch.

The key player is chicken broth. Now before you run away screaming, allow me to provide you with a few facts that may change your mind. Studies have shown that chicken broth reduces the number of white blood cells during respiratory infections. This magical drink contains amino acids, calcium , phosphorus,  glycosaminoglycans, and gelatin. These nutrients will not only boost your immune system but they will also support your joints, soothe your intestinal walls and help you achieve hormonal balance. The secondary players are ginger and tumeric. Both enhance the inflammatory effect the chicken broth and turn this beverage into a superfood. 


  • One cup of chicken broth (make your own, recipe here, or purchase a reliable brand such as Pacifico)
  • ½ tsp Grated Ginger
  • ½ tsp Grated Tumeric

One dash of sea salt
Heat the broth mix in the ginger, tumeric and salt. Can’t handle the taste? Add a ¼ cup of coconut milk for a creamier texture. The coconut milk is chalk full of medium chain fatty acids that will feed your brain and give you instant energy. Now throw it in a to go cup or a enjoy its warming effects while you read a book on your couch. Allow this traditional drink to fully nourish and repair your body.

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