Posts in Skincare & Beauty
Homespun Face Masks

I am also a mama on a budget. I do buy high-quality products, but I also love apple cider vinegar, witch hazel, and everyday items in my kitchen to brighten and nurture my skin. Here are some simple and delicious DIY Face Masks you can make in your own kitchen. Please to take into consideration that you know your skin best, and if you have sensitive skin please use caution and listen to your body.

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What's the Deal with Chemical Peels?

I will be the first to admit I have less-than-perfect skin. I wish someone had taught me some hard lessons about skincare: acne doesn’t always start/end in your teens, diet has way more effect than you think, and drink your darn water. Now, I have the pleasure of acne AND fine lines and wrinkles. It feels like I really won the lottery there (can you hear my sarcasm?) It sometimes feels like no matter how diligent I am about washing, moisturizing, and eating right, those blemishes stay right where they are. It wasn’t until I started working at the Pearl Day Spa over a year ago that I started getting peels. Now, I swear by them. So what is the deal with facial peels? How do they work, and what can you expect when getting one?

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Relax-- It's Summer!

The sun is out, the birds are chirping-- Summer has arrived in Oregon! To me, here feels like a manic time when everyone feels obligated to be outside as much as humanly possible before the rain clouds return. Here at the spa we were just talking about how summer absolutely flies by. In the blink of an eye, June becomes September. If you have kids, summer can be an extra busy-crazy-stressful time of year with all the activities. This means setting time aside to unwind and de-stress is crucial even in the summer. In the summer, vacations and fun can overtake self care’s importance. With that being said, we still want to see all our loyal, wonderful clients over the summer! Here are some ways to customize your Pearl Day Spa experience to honor the summertime.

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Seasons Change-- Shouldn't Your Skincare?

If you’re like me, you are sick and tired of all this RAIN! Where is the sun? Surely the real spring season has to start sometime soon…. Right? Despite how it may seem, the weather is warming up, the days are getting longer and longer, and the cold winter season is behind us. You might even notice some differences in your skin. So, as the seasons change, why shouldn’t your skincare routine?

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Stressed About Your First Visit to the Spa? Don't Be!

Starting your self-care regimen (or even just taking the opportunity to try something new) can be a little overwhelming, especially if you have never been to a spa. At the Pearl, we welcome all, whether you come every week or have never had a massage. For those who are entirely new to the spa scene, or just have some weird questions you’ve always wondered about, we are here to shed some light on the spa experience.

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The Highest Quality Makes the Biggest Difference

From start to finish, only the best is used to leave your hands and feet feeling amazing. Our salt soaks, sugar scrubs, and lotions are crafted by Keven, a locally-owned herbal apothecary that creates unique blends from the highest quality raw ingredients. These products are made exclusively for the Pearl Day Spa in micro-batches of no more than 15 at a time. This means that we are able to provide you with a unique experience from the time you sit down in our pedicure chairs to the time you walk down our red brick stairs. Each of our 4 scents-- Wood, Spice, Bright, and Simply Herbal-- come with three products, which are not necessarily the same ingredients, but rather complementary scent profiles. As these are used throughout your nail service, you’ll notice how each scent layers, while your hands and feet are left feel smooth and hydrated.

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Skin Goals: 3 Simple Steps to Prepare for a Perfect Facial

I've been an Esthetician for over a decade and have often been asked by clients how they can achieve the best results from their facial. I want to share with you how you can have a great facial at The Pearl Day Spa and maintain that lovely, just had a facial afterglow! Regular, professional care for your skin is part of a health skincare routine; sure, the results may not always be instant, but they are graceful, long-lasting and make your skin health the primary focus. Here are a few hot tips for receiving a perfect facial from a seasoned (and gently weathered) skincare professional.

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