Posts in Self-care
Ways to Save Money on Your Appointments

We all know that a self-care regimen can do wonders for your physical, mental, and emotional body. Research has shown that massage can relieve issues associated with a myriad of ailments, from stress and anxiety to fibromyalgia and even cancer. Facials can help alleviate skin conditions or reduce the signs of aging. But, for all its benefits and awesomeness, there can be a drawback; self care can sometimes get pricey. Here at the Pearl Day Spa, we believe that spa services and self-care routines should be accessible and affordable. Did you know we have several cost-saving methods to help make self-care easier on the pocketbook (those are thing people still use, right?).

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Tossing and Turning? Try these Sleep-Improving Tips!

One of the biggest factors of our lives affecting sleep is stress. The constant go-go-go of the standard Modern American lifestyle impacts our sympathetic nervous system causing it to be constantly upregulated. This upregulation is helpful in the hustle and bustle, keeping us moving and alert, but when it comes time to sleep, our body needs time to downregulate. Allowing our parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for functions like digestion and healing, to kick in while we rest is critical for a happy and healthy body. But in a stressful “constantly on” world, it is increasingly difficult to downregulate, which can cause-- you guessed it-- insomnia and other sleep troubles. If you find your mind racing, or feel anxious around bed time, try some of these downregulating activities:

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Stressed About Your First Visit to the Spa? Don't Be!

Starting your self-care regimen (or even just taking the opportunity to try something new) can be a little overwhelming, especially if you have never been to a spa. At the Pearl, we welcome all, whether you come every week or have never had a massage. For those who are entirely new to the spa scene, or just have some weird questions you’ve always wondered about, we are here to shed some light on the spa experience.

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Vision and Positive Change

i am a big proponent of challenge and growth. Like a video game, I sit down, focus, and make an attack plan to make it to the next level. Inevitably, I level up—which feels amazing, but once I feel comfortable on that level I can sometimes feel lost. How could I work so hard and so focused to only end up lost?

Well, It turns out I wasn't as focused as I thought. Ouch, ego blow! I guess I am just going to have to dust myself off, and come up with a better action plan! So, what is this woman talking about? Valid question...

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Keeping up with New Year's Resolutions

Chances are that, by now, you have fallen off the New Year’s Resolution bandwagon. Research shows that almost 80% of New Year’s Resolutions are ditched before the second week in February. Overly lofty goal and aspirations can quickly fall by the wayside once the holidays are in the rear-view mirror and we settle back into the routines of our normal lives. I always start the year with a list of goals, and usually by the end of the month I am back to my old ways. This year, I made a resolution to eat fresh veggies every day (we’ve got a long and complicated history). In order to maintain these goals long enough to develop into healthy habits, I have noticed that two things help me to rediscover my aspirations: mindfulness and acceptance.

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The Highest Quality Makes the Biggest Difference

From start to finish, only the best is used to leave your hands and feet feeling amazing. Our salt soaks, sugar scrubs, and lotions are crafted by Keven, a locally-owned herbal apothecary that creates unique blends from the highest quality raw ingredients. These products are made exclusively for the Pearl Day Spa in micro-batches of no more than 15 at a time. This means that we are able to provide you with a unique experience from the time you sit down in our pedicure chairs to the time you walk down our red brick stairs. Each of our 4 scents-- Wood, Spice, Bright, and Simply Herbal-- come with three products, which are not necessarily the same ingredients, but rather complementary scent profiles. As these are used throughout your nail service, you’ll notice how each scent layers, while your hands and feet are left feel smooth and hydrated.

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The Value of (Dis)Connection

When was the last time you ate a meal alone without looking at your phone or computer? If you are like the vast majority of people, myself included, electronic devices have crept their way into every aspect of your life. The average American spends close to ten hours a day in front of a screen—TV, phone, or computer. That adds up, and can be detrimental to your physical and mental health. Beyond being a distraction, this tech-heavy lifestyle can affect your health and wellbeing in numerous ways—but it doesn’t have to. Here are some ways to turn off and tune back into real life.

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The Problem with Parasites & Why You Should Know About Them

Parasites aren't just a problem for people living in developing nations. A growing body of evidence suggests well over 60 million Americans now have at least one kind of parasite inside their guts...and most people don't even know they're infected! Parasitic infections can cause a whole host of problems including chronic fatigue, digestive issues, and mineral depletion. It's important for everyone to know the risk factors, warning signs, and treatments in the event of a parasitic infection.

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What Self-Massage Can (And Can't) Do For You

We've all experienced it - tight, achy muscles, tension in the neck or back areas, and painful cramps. Muscles that are over-worked, tense or even stretched can cause pain in so many areas of our body. A natural reaction to the pain is to massage the area. Self-massage helps to work out the cramp or tension, but there are many other benefits, too.

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