Posts in Healthy Living
10 Low-Cost (Or Free!) Ways to Celebrate Mom

Year after year, I find myself on the greeting card aisle at my local supermarket, gazing at the stands of cliche cards that just aren’t personal. I don’t know about you, but something feels different after the past year. I want to put more effort in this year because that’s the kind of thing that makes life enjoyable, and nothing is for certain. So if you’re like me, instead of finding yourself at the supermarket the night before Mother’s Day, check out our list of low-cost (and even some that are free!) ideas to make mom feel special this year.

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How to Stop Burnout Once and For All

Burnout can have pretty lasting impacts on our health and wellbeing, both physically and mentally. As more research is done into the effects of our frenetic work society, it seems that self-care can no longer be considered a luxury. Taking time to rest and recharge is a necessity for you to lead a happy, productive life.

But if you’re just starting out with this transformative self-care journey, where do you even begin?

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Dropped your New Year's Resolutions? Don't worry, here's what to do now

You can diligently plan your resolutions and goals in nitty-gritty detail, but eventually we all slip up. When talking about setting goals, there is often little focus on what I call the “emergency plan.” It’s all about how to achieve your goal-- but what happens when you stray so far off course that you’ve lost sight of your goal? What happens when you eat a whole pizza?

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Setting Goals for Real Change

Once you’ve established why you want to set this goal, how you create and go about achieving it is just as important. Remember, if you don’t build the right foundation for your goal, it will stand on shaky ground. One reason why many New Year’s Resolutions fail is that they are too vague. How do you know when you have reached your goal when your resolution is to “be in the best shape of your life?

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Farewell to 2020

This year has been, for lack of better words, a trash fire. 2020 has left a sour taste in everyone’s mouth, even if not directly impacted by this year’s challenges. And with those challenges have come painful, beautiful opportunities to learn and grow. As we ring in a new year, it’s important to recognize the struggle as well as the triumphs of the past in order to bring about positive, hopeful change for 2021.

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3 Rainy Day Self-Care Activities for Oregon Winter

Some of my favorite ways to fill a rainy day is to feed all parts of myself— Mind, Body, and Spirit. This approach to self-care focuses on each part to achieve a well-balanced life. You don’t need to set a whole hour aside for each portion— 5 to 10 minutes each is enough. Here is my recommended agenda for a holistic self-care day.

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Four Simple Ways to Make Self Care more Environmentally Conscious

The environment. It’s kind of a big deal. So is wellness. But a lot of the time, self care and wellness routines aren’t the most environmentally friendly. The spa and cosmetic industries have yet to make significant changes to their practices, and problems like greenwashing make it difficult to determine what is truly impactful as a consumer. Here are some tips and pointers if you are looking to make your wellness and self care routines, both at the spa and at home, a little more eco-friendly.

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Resilience in the Face of a Hectic World

You may have heard discussions about resilience as of late. Resilience, or more specifically psychological resilience, is defined as “the ability to mentally or emotionally cope with a crisis or to return to pre-crisis status quickly.” In other words, resilience is your ability to experience the knocks of life without being down for too long. While there are a lot of contributing factors that determine resilience, like mental health and genetics, there are skills that can be learned and improved upon to help yourself through tough times. This might be why, since March, some of us have been feeling like an emotional wreck, while others are outwardly happier than ever. Let’s take a look at the basic tools you can use to build resilience through these uncertain times.

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6 Ways Gardening Is Your Mental Health Ally

Let’s just start from a place of honesty… whether you think you’re faring well in the Rona times or not, we are all off center in some way or another right now. Many of the things we considered normal and perhaps took for granted have either been eliminated, replaced, or at least modified in this new world. Finding things that give us a sense of being grounded, centered, or simply feeling “normal” can go a long way toward health, whether that be mental, spiritual, emotional, or physical.

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The Importance of a Pause

Taking a moment to press the pause button allows you to process. Think of the last book you read, or the last crazy thing you watched on Netflix. You most likely set the book aside at some point, or pressed pause to catch up. In these instances, we allow ourselves the space and time to collect our thoughts, emotions, take a bathroom break, and then continue. So, why then, do we not use this throughout our daily schedules?

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Tossing and Turning? Try these Sleep-Improving Tips!

One of the biggest factors of our lives affecting sleep is stress. The constant go-go-go of the standard Modern American lifestyle impacts our sympathetic nervous system causing it to be constantly upregulated. This upregulation is helpful in the hustle and bustle, keeping us moving and alert, but when it comes time to sleep, our body needs time to downregulate. Allowing our parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for functions like digestion and healing, to kick in while we rest is critical for a happy and healthy body. But in a stressful “constantly on” world, it is increasingly difficult to downregulate, which can cause-- you guessed it-- insomnia and other sleep troubles. If you find your mind racing, or feel anxious around bed time, try some of these downregulating activities:

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Stressed Out? Try "Forest Bathing"

Here in Eugene, I feel so fortunate to live somewhere with such abundant greenspace. Just being able to sit by the Willamette and soak in the sights and sounds of nature is a little magical. And as the weather slowly warms up and the sun peeks through the clouds, spending time outside in Oregon becomes even more enjoyable. Even my “indoorsy” self has something to enjoy outside here: the Japanese concept of Shinrin-Yoku, or “forest bathing.”

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