Posts in Self-care
3 Rainy Day Self-Care Activities for Oregon Winter

Some of my favorite ways to fill a rainy day is to feed all parts of myself— Mind, Body, and Spirit. This approach to self-care focuses on each part to achieve a well-balanced life. You don’t need to set a whole hour aside for each portion— 5 to 10 minutes each is enough. Here is my recommended agenda for a holistic self-care day.

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Discovering Your Personal Core Values

Once we have a set of core values, they can become an invaluable rudder to steer us in the direction that feels most authentic to us. When you’ve done the homework of discovering the core principles which are most essential to how you live and operate, you can lean into those values when things are feeling unclear or confusing. I know often times I’m not quite sure why I’m feeling off. I’ll feel as if I’m having a day that just isn’t the greatest, but I just. can’t. quite understand why. It’s almost a pit-of-your-stomach feeling that something is off kilter. This can be an opportunity to check in with your values to see if there are things you may have overlooked where you are operating out of alignment with your values.

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Four Simple Ways to Make Self Care more Environmentally Conscious

The environment. It’s kind of a big deal. So is wellness. But a lot of the time, self care and wellness routines aren’t the most environmentally friendly. The spa and cosmetic industries have yet to make significant changes to their practices, and problems like greenwashing make it difficult to determine what is truly impactful as a consumer. Here are some tips and pointers if you are looking to make your wellness and self care routines, both at the spa and at home, a little more eco-friendly.

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5 Reasons Fall is the Best Time for Chemical Peels

Maybe years of back-to-school conditioning have affected me, but autumn feels like a time for new beginnings. Like a switch flipped, autumn has suddenly arrived, painting the hills and valleys of Eugene gold and orange. It’s time to unpack the sweaters, brew endless pots of tea or coffee, and settle into the still of the darker months. Like me, you might be ready for fall and winter-- but is your skin ready? 

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5 Summer Hacks to Cool Off, Spa Style

Those skincare products you have that normally live in your medicine cabinet are just as at home in your fridge. After a long day doing yard work or hiking, I like to put on a chilled sheet mask-- I recommend the Celavi Cucumber or Aloe Sheet Mask. Similar to a cold compress, cooling your sheet mask reduces puffiness around the eyes. But, unlike a cold compress, sheet masks….

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The Little Joys of a Really Good Pedicure

There are certain joys in life that are irreplaceable: a new book, a fresh garden tomato, a perfect blanket of snow on a winter morning. Joys like these are seemingly insignificant, yet they can have the biggest impact on us. Little joys can be the difference between a cherished memory and a normal Tuesday. I see the importance of creating time and space for new little joys in my day-to-day existence. To some, they seem indulgent or selfish, but I view them as necessary breaks in the monotony that awaken the senses, bring clarity and renewed optimism. One thing that I rely on to bring me so much joy are pedicures.

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Self Care for the WFH lifestyle

Many people still find themselves spending much of their time at home, unable to return to the routines and luxuries they grew accustomed to pre-coronavirus. Things like monthly massage appointments get put on the backburner, as layoffs, furloughs, and uncertainty abound. But with so much on people’s metaphorical plates now, stress management in any form is vital. Let’s talk a bit more about why self-care and stress management is so important, and how you can achieve some while working from home.

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What Type of Massage is Right for Me?

So you’ve decided 2020 is the year of self care, balance, and a better you. Fantastic! Massage is an excellent way to make a little time for yourself throughout the busy, hectic life you lead. Maybe you have stumbled across the Pearl Day Spa from a quick Google search (in which case, welcome!), or maybe your dear friend/aunt/neighbor/grocery store clerk suggested us to you. Perhaps you’re a longtime client looking to change things up and try something new. Whatever the scenario, you’ve made it to looking for a massage here, on our website. But what are all these different kinds of massages?

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Express Your Love in the Way They Want to Receive It--The Love Languages

When we attempt to show care to those around us, we tend to show it in the ways we prefer to receive love and affection, but not everyone’s language of love is the same.

Do you know your love language? Just as importantly, do you know the love languages of those around you? Keep reading for a few tips on how to show you care.

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The Importance of a Pause

Taking a moment to press the pause button allows you to process. Think of the last book you read, or the last crazy thing you watched on Netflix. You most likely set the book aside at some point, or pressed pause to catch up. In these instances, we allow ourselves the space and time to collect our thoughts, emotions, take a bathroom break, and then continue. So, why then, do we not use this throughout our daily schedules?

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Relax-- It's Summer!

The sun is out, the birds are chirping-- Summer has arrived in Oregon! To me, here feels like a manic time when everyone feels obligated to be outside as much as humanly possible before the rain clouds return. Here at the spa we were just talking about how summer absolutely flies by. In the blink of an eye, June becomes September. If you have kids, summer can be an extra busy-crazy-stressful time of year with all the activities. This means setting time aside to unwind and de-stress is crucial even in the summer. In the summer, vacations and fun can overtake self care’s importance. With that being said, we still want to see all our loyal, wonderful clients over the summer! Here are some ways to customize your Pearl Day Spa experience to honor the summertime.

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