Posts in Healthy Living
Easy Habits to Improve Your Immune System

As those hot summer days transition into beautiful fall days, we all know that there is the potential to come in contact with seasonal colds and the flu. Add a global pandemic on top and it because apparent that health and wellness are of utmost importance this time of year. As I lean into my own season of wisdom and deeper self care, I have found there are ways to better support my body and immune system with the shift in weather and potential contact with unwell coworkers, kids, and community.

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When the Pollen Comes 'A Callin'!

Managing allergy difficulties is especially rough during the spring and summer months in the Pacific Northwest. I love the magnificent majesty that is Oregon. As the season changes, so do the allergens in the air, triggering symptoms such as sneezing, itching, and congestion for many of us; sometimes I have to go inside to breathe better or stop clawing at my face, despite wanting to enjoy a picnic or walk about on a sunny afternoon.

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The Art Of Healthy Boundaries

During these shorter days and cold, long nights, many of us are spending our evenings getting cozied up in our sweaters or blankets and possibly thinking about the upcoming holidays. While some of that might give you the warm fuzzies, thinking about the holidays can also stir feelings of stress and anxiety. Whether dinner parties, company events, or family dinners with not-often-seen family members, these opportunities can be a great time to connect and feel the holiday spirit. Annddd they can also open us up to difficult people and difficult situations that can cause us to feel overwhelmed or even lead to emotional shutdown at a time of year we might like to otherwise enjoy.

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Relaxation Delivered, A New Model for Care

Self-Care Check-In: Not Feeling So Hot?

How does your self-care look these days?

Do you have all the time you need to fit in exercise, eating well, and taking care of your mental health? Does your work day stay within its tidy bounds? Or does your to-do list affect your interactions with your family, your children, your partner? Does everything just go totally smooth and as expected every day? If you’re a busy professional (or just a living human), I’m guessing you’re balancing a lot and can probably answer NO to most or at least some of those questions

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Prioritizing You—Self-care Through Spa Membership

You're not alone. Life can get hectic, and it's easy to put ourselves last on the list of priorities. If you’re like me you think, “Oh yeah, I’ll schedule that massage when I get home. “ Nope! No I will not. I will get caught up making dinner, helping the kiddo with homework, answering texts from three days ago, and trying to remember to sit down. I often say, “I need an adult!” Cause let’s be real—we could all use the help of another adult from time to time. And even this adult struggles to prioritize self-care, despite being surrounded by a team of people at The Pearl believe that self-care is essential for overall well-being and happiness.

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Do I Really Need You?


Do you ever find yourself caught in between feeling both lonely and overwhelmed by social interactions? In a world where we are constantly surrounded by people, yet feel disconnected and isolated, it's easy to fall into the trap of comparing our lives to others through social media—feeling left out, questioning why we aren't receiving invitations or participating in the same activities as our peers. This critical voice inside our heads fuels self-doubt, pushing us to measure our worth based on what others are doing. The more we delve into this cycle, the more overwhelmed we become, until human connection itself feels like just another burden on our never-ending to-do list. And these hard feelings can be detrimental to our health…increased cortisol (stress hormones), lack of sleep, and can negatively affect our mental health. While we may jokingly throw around the phrase “compare and despair,” there’s a lot of truth to it. Never before in human history have the highlight reels of nearly everyone we know been constantly visible to us 24 hours a day.

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The Mental Weight of Motherhood - And 10 Ways You Can Help

Being a mom is fucking hard. No matter how amazing a person is, this is an inescapable truth. And when you can tell it’s hard from a distance, you know it’s exponentially harder firsthand. Stereotypes aside and progress included, there is still an undeniable societal expectation that mothers bear the brunt of the mental load when it comes to caring for the family. From planning meals to organizing schedules to managing budgets, to maintaining a career, the to-do list for moms appears never-ending. Add to that the mental labor of keeping the family together, managing everyone’s emotions, and often being expected to be the primary caregiver for children, and it’s no wonder that so many mothers feel overwhelmed and exhausted.

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5 Tips For Spring Health Refreshment

Spring is here, and along with the buds on trees and flowers peeking out from the earth, it's also a time to consider some health shifts for the season. Spending time outdoors, taking advantage of fresh produce, and reevaluating habits can all contribute to a refreshed mindset and physical health. Getting outside for some sunshine and fresh air, even for just a few minutes during your lunch break or a coffee date with a friend, can boost your mood and vitamin D levels. Incorporating fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet can support improved digestion, energy levels, and overall health. Spring is the perfect time to reevaluate habits and make positive changes to prepare for warmer weather and longer days ahead.

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Exploring the Ancient Healing Art of Thai Massage

Thai massage is an ancient healing art with a rich history and a unique approach to healing the body, mind, and spirit. Its roots lie in Indian Yoga philosophy and focus on energy lines and acupressure points to promote physical and mental well-being. Practiced in a meditative and mindful state with an expression of loving kindness, Thai massage offers a holistic approach to therapy that can improve circulation, flexibility, energy levels, and emotional balance. By breaking down energy blockages and stimulating the flow of Prana, Thai massage can help revive general well-being and treat a range of diseases or relieve pain. With its growing popularity around the world, finding a qualified practitioner to customize your massage to your individual needs is now easier than ever. Try Thai massage today and experience the benefits of this ancient healing art for yourself.

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Excuse Me While I Love Myself!

Do you find yourself caring for those around you and feeling a little empty yourself?

Maybe you’re noticing some resentment has popped up where others are concerned?

“But I always help out extra at work/home! Why don’t I get as much from from others as I give to them?!” Perhaps on this occasion the answer lies not on the outside, but within. At first glance, I know some you might already be feeling irritated by this suggestion. You’re thinking: Surely if people would just do what I wanted/expected, I would feel more satisfied and loved. I would argue that you might still be sitting there, arms crossed, feeling disappointed, even if that were the case.

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Holiday Gift Guide 2022

As fall turns to winter and we mourn the loss of the warm sun, we instead get a little excited about snuggling up, drinking hot bevys, and getting stoked for celebrations with friends and family. Gatherings for me can look all kinds of ways. Big, small, intimate, wild, and they usually include delicious food. And, if you’re like me, the slight pressure of what to buy for whom can start knocking at the door once Thanksgiving is behind me. Full disclosure: I am not the worlds best consumer. Eek!

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Overwhelmed with too many good things?! 5 tips to lighten your load.

Are you at your wits end? Do you feel like past you was nuts by saying yes to helping volunterr at the kid’s fun run and the community garden while also leading a project at work and staring a new workout routing? Do you feel like you come to your monday feeling like you could already sleep a thousand years and it wouldn’t be enough?

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